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Creating a simple iOS app

A simple iOS app that generates triadic colors.

UX design
iOS development

The first project for my mobile app development course was to create a single view interactive iOS app. Examples included apps that perform a calculation, respond to user input or selections, or respond to events in the app. We were encouraged to be creative and focus on design and user interaction.

I decided to create a triadic color generator in which the user inputs a color (in hexadecimal or rgb) and the app will calculate triadic colors.

Triadic color computation

I read up on some color theory to come up with the following pseudocode to calculate triadic colors:

func calculateTriad(hex) {
    // get rgb values from hex (can also be used to update sliders after user input)
    red = hex[0:1]
    green = hex[2:3] 
    blue = hex[4:5]

    // add and subtract by 85 (255 / 3), wrapping around if 0 or 255 is reached
    color1 = (add85(red), add85(green), add85(blue))
    color2 = (sub85(red), sub85(green), sub85(blue)) // add85 and sub85 deal with wrap around.

    return (color1, color2) // returns in rgb format

As this was my first time using Swift, I had to look up how to convert hex to rgb and back. I found a few examples online and decided to use the following code:

func calculateTriad() {
  // formula for calculating secondary HEX: original = a1a2a3, secondary = a3a1a2
  let (secondaryRed, secondaryGreen, secondaryBlue) = (blueSlider.value, redSlider.value, greenSlider.value)
  secondaryColorImage.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: CGFloat(secondaryRed / 255), green: CGFloat(secondaryGreen / 255), blue: CGFloat(secondaryBlue / 255), alpha: 1.0)
  let secondaryHex = calculateHex(red: Int(secondaryRed), green: Int(secondaryGreen), blue: Int(secondaryBlue))
  secondaryColorLabel.text = "#\(secondaryHex)".uppercased()
  // formula for calculating tertiary HEX: original = a1a2a3, tertiary = a2a3a1
  let (tertiaryRed, tertiaryGreen, tertiaryBlue) = (greenSlider.value, blueSlider.value, redSlider.value)
  tertiaryColorImage.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: CGFloat(tertiaryRed / 255), green: CGFloat(tertiaryGreen / 255), blue: CGFloat(tertiaryBlue / 255), alpha: 1.0)
  let tertiaryHex = calculateHex(red: Int(tertiaryRed), green: Int(tertiaryGreen), blue: Int(tertiaryBlue))
  tertiaryColorLabel.text = "#\(tertiaryHex)".uppercased()


I drafted the following prototype in Figma:


  • This was my first time using Xcode and Swift, so I started by following the tutorials on Apple’s developer website.
  • I created a single view app and added a text field for user input, sliders for red, green, and blue and views to display the colors.
  • I created a different layout for landscape mode and added constraints to make sure the app looks good on all devices.


  • I had some trouble with the sliders and converting the values to hex. I had to look up how to convert the values to hex and back.
  • I also had some trouble with the layout and constraints. I had to look up how to add constraints and make sure the app looks good on all devices.


Here are some screenshots of the app: screenshots